Let me strip away the polished words and curated versions of a bio because if we are going to walk this journey together, you deserve the raw, unfiltered truth.

I have been a founder. A dreamer. A fighter. An entrepreneur since the moment I stepped into university. Every journey has its flipside. Every decision I have made as a leader, as an entrepreneur, has shaped me in ways I never expected. I have stood on a TEDx stage, spoken on thought-provoking panels, led campaigns for change, helped create solutions that saved lives even discovered new foods along the way. But beneath every accomplishment was a hunger for something more.

I got into entrepreneurship as a way to give myself hope. A way to believe that my struggles, my pain, my hopes, my wants my heart were leading somewhere. It wasnt just about launching initiatives or driving impact; it was about finding meaning. Entrepreneurship became my purpose, my way of proving that everything I had been through wasn’t for nothing. And so, I kept going. Without stopping. Without pausing. Without feeling.

I threw myself into everything. I became a campaigner, a speaker, a consultant, a trainer, an entrepreneur. I said yes to every opportunity, convinced that if I just kept moving, if I just kept building, I would finally feel whole. I juggled degrees and responsibilities, never once slowing down long enough to ask myself why.

When I started this journey, I told myself it was about kindness about paying forward the generosity of a friend, about helping my family, about one noble reason after another that kept pulling me outside of myself.I believed I was building something meaningful, something that mattered. But deep down, I was searching. Searching for something I couldn't quite name. Something just out of reach.Something I didnt know how to find.

And over the past seven years, I have struggled with boundaries I didnt know how to set, with emotions I didnt know how to express. I have lashed out when I felt overwhelmed, run away when I should have stayed, and hurt people I deeply cared about best friends, business partners, family the ones who mattered most.

But in my journey, I have also learned something powerful. Life our work, our purpose, what we build and bring into the world only becomes truly meaningful when it is rooted in something deeper than just achievement. When we lead our lives from stories of peace, when we create from a place of healing and joy, we do more than just succeed—we transform. We dont just build businesses; we build lives that are whole, that are rich with meaning, that leave a ripple of goodness in the world.

Year in, year out, as I reflect on my experiences from the incredible and heartwarming to the heartbreaking i return to one central truth. With the support of an extraordinary leader, I came to understand that peace comes through radical acceptance. The foundation of peace is not in fixing the past, nor in waiting for the future to be perfect—it is in embracing what is. Acceptance of the past. Acceptance of the present. Acceptance of your heart, your strength, and yes, even your pain, if you carry it. True peace begins when we stop fighting ourselves and instead use that foundation to build something new.

And this brings me to why I coach because I want to create a space for the raw truth, for your raw story. A space where you can find your peace and build your life around it. A life shaped not by pressure or expectation, but by stillness and meaning. A life where every decision, every pursuit, is anchored in a story of peace. And I want to help you find the resources, the clarity, and the strength to make that a reality. Together, we uncover the answers that will guide you home to yourself.

Lets find your peace together